Main / Тechnologies / REINMAG

Aeromagnetic Compensation
Software REINMAG

REINMAG is a new aeromagnetic compensation system developed on the classic Leliak aircraft magnetic interference model extended by stochastic process modeling magnetic field anomaly and magnetic field gradient. REINMAG has been successfully applied to a variety of aeromagnetic systems.
Aeromagnetic system mounted on An-2 aircraft (sensor type: cesium vapor)
As usually the process requires a calibration with a series of pitch, roll and yaw motions on the four different headings. But unlike other systems calibration headings and survey routes could be of different directions.

REINMAG uses GPS receiver data and measurements of quantum and fluxgate magnetometers obtained during calibration motions and a Kalman filter to estimate compensation parameters.

REINMAG outputs file in Geosoft Script format with parameters for data post-processing and binary file for real-time compenstaion in NAVDAT system.

Calibration and Survey routes
The images below illustrate compensation quality and results:
Here is the example of real-time compensation (screenshot of data control and navigation system Navdat)
Compensation results for two perpendicular routes. B is compensated magnetic field values, H is altitude values, and B' is uncompensated magnetic field